
Kalimantan (or Borneo) was the home of Hindu kings almost 2000 years ago.

Banjarmasin was an Islamic sultanate. There was a British trading post there in the early 1700s. The Dutch consolidated their hold on it in 1860.

The sultanate of Pontianak was founded by Syarif Abdurrahman from Arabia in 1771.

Nearby in Malaysia, Sarawak was founded by British adventurer James Brooke in 1841. Sabah became a British protectorate in 1888 after several colonial powers disputed it.

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Sejarah Indonesia
Beginnings to 1500  1500 to 1670  1670 to 1800  1800 to 1830  1830 to 1910  1910 to 1940  1940 to 1945  1945 to 1950  1950 to 1965  1965 to today