The Somnambule's Crime





The Luminous Theatre (Take A Number)





The Bride begins with quarter notes and with blood smeared on an auto-mechanic’s mustard-yellow coveralls in an embarrassing apartment in a forest in an armoire on an otherwise empty stage with just hints of that bourgeois sun – clap clap clap. The end. But then… the pilgrimage to where she first undressed the puppetry bull in the vanity drawer and then everyone knew America was intimately involved. They all had a job which is when the real trouble started. There were young people smuggling drum sets in large suitcases ravioli stuffed with diamonds etc. A very important paper was stolen. Then torn. Then lost. Then torn once more just before being found. Then lost again. Meanwhile back at the ranch the Bride is now a minor celebrity who lives near a post office I pass every weekday. It is a long and difficult process and I’m new here so call back next week. Number 17. NEXT.


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