The Plush Democracy  
for Che
With the volunteers in their natural habitat
basically despised
trying to get a free mountain
gold in it
narrow paths to one balcony
a talking to
in a faint light.
With the volunteers in their natural habitat
even smaller in the distance
a handful of white smoke in a desk
with incredibly hot paper
a bike on the dance floor
a bit of a tart
disturbing taxis to the colony.
We went into a room
badly all in all.
We went into a room
incredibly remote.
We went into a room
with the filthy volunteers.
We went into a room
you could see snow falling
on a dance floor.
The coffee he was ashamed of
and political ambitions he was ashamed of
and the stones in the recesses of the stones
and the rain dissolving the aspirins
and the smugglers’ petticoats
and the train in the hotel in the hospital in the cemetery
and the Andes in the form of total silence
and the hospital on their summits
and the bed in its cabaret
he was ashamed of. 
Laughter is explaining by other means
the churches and galloping beasts
the luxury in a nearby shack
roughly south of that silent crowd
a duck flew over shapelessly
because it was small
because a conversation had turned
from deep ravines
with peaches
to the fire on a dance floor  
incredibly remote.  


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