The Transformation

The human Sentinele entered the tavern in the heart of the Dominance one spring morning. The dragoness Sentinele emerged.

Sentinele, a human female, appeared at the tavern about midmorning at the request of Gjor, her administrator. She had been selected to assist him and the special star which signified that role first became visible that day. The instant her star appeared the words "Sentinele is a dragon." were entered into her records and her life began to change.

While she was looking at the new star, it was Silussa, a male elf of the drow race, with whom she had become acquainted in the tavern, who first noticed that Sentinele had idly dangled her feet into the lava pool of the Lava Dragon, Aetobatus, with no ill effects. In fact, she was quite comfortable. Silussa's reaction was strong and drew the attention of those in and around the tavern. It was amazing! Sentinele casually observed the changes as the soft pink skin on her feet and legs began to turn a scaley goldengreen. Much furor ensued as her new friends assisted in what they recognized as an emerging transformation.

Miravlix, a small green male fairy dragon who initially made Sentinele welcome in the tavern, was the first to lend his encouragement through his magical dance. Sensitive to her possible reaction to the changes and need for rest, Lothloriend did not hesitate for an instant in offering Sentinele the use of his couch near the pool for her comfort. In addition, Loth brought over a lovely screen with which he surrounded the couch in an offer of privacy should she feel at all uneasy about what was happening to her. However, the screen seemed unnecessary as Sentinele watched the changes with awe, not fear, somehow sensing that things were as they should be.

The help and support offered generously and without hesitation that day confirmed for Sentinele that she was truly among friends. One by one the dragons of #afd offered their special assistance there in the tavern and in the end it was the energy shared by the Neutronium Dragon which completed her transformation. As Sentinele rested on Loth's couch by the pool there where it had all begun she reflected briefly on what had been then quickly turned her attention toward the future and all the knowledge and magic it held. With new strength she arose, stretched her wings and took flight. For the first time her body was able to accompany her spirit and she looked back only to smile on her new home.

Copyright © 1995 Ann Zaiser. All Rights Reserved.